You should make sure that the thermo energy you create within your house does not go
out the window. You need to initially seal up all your leaks in the residence. Allow me take through some of the areas of concern.
Here are a few key area’s you actually require to focus on:
*doors ,windows,sky lights. I have utilised numerous devices when I go to a home
to locate a leak I have utilised smoke stick, candle. I move your all around your
parameter of the door, window, skylights. you will be surprise what you will find.
*Top floor ceiling: I have gone into the attic and look around on your floor to looks for heat
coming up through the home . I search around plumbing pipes,chases within the house
search around for anything with leaks coming from your lower floor. I utilize minimum
expansion spray foam to seal these leaks.
*HVAC-look for leaks in ducts, this has to be thoroughly. Start the system
start at your equipment and follow the ducts all they way to your register. You can
buy metal tape and apply this to wrap around your leaks. this will also help improve the
HVAC performance. You can in addition insulate the outside of your duct if it is within a none
heated area.
*Insulation Attic: You have to ensure your attic for suitable insulation for your area.Insulation is not only critical to save on heat going out of your roof. Insulation withinyour attic also keeps your house cool within your summer which saves on energy. If you have a lot of ice dams in the winter this is sign of little insulation.
“Yearly maintenance of your equipment Saves within repairs ”
Your heating and ac unit needs to be tuned up periodically to continue top
performance and proficiency. You need to Schedule yearly maintenance this helps
homeowners benefit from the thorough cleaning and inspection that your annual examination affords. I have save many pieces of unit plainly by keeping them tuned up and
operating efficiently.
This has been usually your check list I follow for my HVAC maintenance for my clients:
•Check and Replace the air filter for better airflow
•Check the electrical controls to promote safe system operation
•Lubricating moving parts and check belts
•I Clean the air conditioner coil and straightening coil fins not block from debris.
•Blow out your air conditioner condensate lines to prevent water damage
•Inspection air conditioner refrigerant ranges and fix leaks if found.
•Inspecting your condition of furnace high temperature exchangers.
•Checking your tightness of furnace belts and changing any that are frayed or damaged.
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the benefits of a HVAC tune-up include:
•It can Drop energy bills
•Definitely Less wear and tear on the system so it lasts longer
•Better possibility of to catch problems early on so major, expensive repairs can be avoided
•Prevention of water destruction induced by congested condensate lines
•Improved home comfort
•Better airflow through your system
•Higher efficiency
Follow these steps and you will not only save on energy, but your unit will last
a lot longer